Five percent (5%) rate increase for continuing providers July 1, 2014 Rate Increase Details
Appears some Minnesota Counties are requiring providers for AFC Elderly Waiver (203A) licenses to also hold a 245D license.
If you are aware of your County doing the same please let me know.
Not everyone who has a 245A license is required to obtain a 245D-HCBS license as in the following situations
(but not limited solely thereto):
Situation 1) You are a provider of “foster care services” that are not funded by one of the disability waivers (BI, CAC,
or CADI). This applies even if you receive a difficulty of care rate in addition to GRH payments.
Note: A provider is required to obtain the 245D-HCBS program license if the foster care services are funded by one of the
disability waivers. This requirement applies whether the provider operates a “family” or a “corporate” foster care site.
Situation 2) Foster care services for persons age 65 or older under the Elderly Waiver (EW) or the Alternative Care
(AC) programs.
Noske Law Firm is available to assist you.
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